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Switzerland is a very densely populated and industrialized country, hence there is not much space for biodiversity. Yet, nature persists and there are even two wildcat species roaming the more remote corners of the country.

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Jura Mountains

We are building a hide to observe and photograph wildlife without disturbing it.

The aim is to offer an exceptional overnight experience, but above all to bring the native animals closer to the people of Switzerland.

Visitors should learn about and be sensitised to native wildlife. We are convinced that long-term behavioural changes in favour of nature conservation can be achieved if visitors can experience for themselves how breathtakingly beautiful our natural environment is and how fascinating our wild animals are. 

The idea

If possible, the wild animals should not notice the observers. At the same time, we also want to offer the observers a pleasant and interesting experience. The hide is placed at a remote edge of the forest, which is attractive for various wildlife species. In order not to disturb the wild animals, we also work creative techniques to offer direct and indirect observations. We have utilised our own experiences from visits to hides in many other places to ensure the best and most memorable experience possible.

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Project Partner: Oliver Bürgi and Nadja Blaser

Oliver is the farmer and both are the hosts of the Probstenberg guesthouse.
Oliver is an innovative farmer with a wide range of interests and a very friendly approach to his guests.

Nadja is a passionate veterinarian, knows all about local plants and herbs and is very knowledgeable about activities, events and sights in the surrounding area.

We have known both of them for several years now and are very much looking forward to this joint project.

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