We were already aware before our collaboration that Ana is passionately committed to the protection of nature and in particular to the Emas National Park and its inhabitants. Nevertheless, she continues to impress us with her commitment. She exceeds our expectations not only in the quality of her work but also in getting the most out of the project.

While the second book was being printed and shortly after the book was finalised, Ana met with very important players in nature conservation in Brazil: Marina Silva, Minister of the Environment, Mauro Oliveira Pires, President of the Chico Mendes Institute for the Preservation of Biodiversity and Rodrigo Agostinho, President of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources.

In our opinion, this project has been a complete success and we are convinced of its long-term positive impact on nature conservation. A big thank you to Ana for her great work. She leaves no detail to chance and has incredibly high standards. We are very proud of our collaboration.